DAIL-G 101: Universal Precautions

a warning sign to wear personal protective equipment

According to the Centers for Disease Control, Standard Precautions are the minimum infection prevention practices that apply to all patient care, regardless of suspected or confirmed infection status of the patient, in any setting where health care is delivered. These practices are designed to both protect the people providing care, and prevent the spread of infection.

*Source: https://www.cdc.gov/oralhealth/infectioncontrol/summary-infection-prevention-practices/standard-precautions.html

This course is designed to provide an overview of the basics of universal precautions, when they are used, and how they are used.  

Course Length: This course will take approximately 1 hour to complete.

*Please note that clicking on resource links will open a new window

Click on the first lesson below to get started.

ECE 202: Plan Your Professional Development (2.5 hrs)

Planning Your Professional Development

In this self-paced course, participants will learn about the importance of Professional Development for early childhood educators.  They will be introduced to the Kentucky Career Lattice and the Kentucky Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators.  Participants will learn about SMART goals, create their own Annual Professional Development Plan, and share that plan with people who can support them as they complete it, including their Center Director and Child Care Aware Professional Development Coach. Completing an annual Professional Development Plan is required by child care regulations [922 KAR 2:090 Child-care center licensure – Section 9, 11(1)(f)] and [922 KAR 2:100. Certification of family child-care homes Section 2 (9)(b)]

Course Details

Icon with 3 people sitting behind a table.

Target Audience

All Staff

Learning Environment

Infant Toddler

Icon of two people standing beside a chart with a bar graph.

Training Level


Core Content Subject Area

Program management and evaluation

Core Content Competency

Practice self-evaluation to determine professional growth and performance, using Kentucky’s Early Childhood Core content, and other appropriate materials to assist in identifying areas of need.

Additional Information

CDA Content Area: Maintaining a Commitment to Professionalism

NAEYC Professional Standard Area: Standard 6, Professionalism as an Early Childhood Educator; 6e: Develop and sustain the habit of reflective and intentional practice in their daily work with young children and as members of the early childhood profession.

DAIL 104: Person Centered Planning

Blue wooden person figure surounded by brown wooden person figures with lines pointing to the blue figure in the middle

According to the Administration for Community Living, Person-Centered Planning “is a process for selecting and organizing the services and supports that an older adult or person with a disability may need to live in the community.  Most importantly, it is a process that is directed by the person who receives the support. Person-Centered Planning helps the person construct and articulate a vision for the future, consider various paths, engage in decision-making and problem solving, monitor progress, and make needed adjustments in a timely manner. It highlights individual responsibility, including taking appropriate risks.”

*Source: https://acl.gov/programs/consumer-control/person-centered-planning

This course is designed to provide an overview of the person-centered planning approach and the importance of an individual’s voice pertaining to their unique needs, desires, preferences, goals, and service planning.  

Course Length: This course will take approximately 1 hour to complete.

*Please note that clicking on resource links will open a new window

Click on the first lesson below to get started.

DAIL Supervisor Course Management

Hello and welcome to this overview of how to provide learner access to courses in the HDI Online Learning Center.

DAIL will continue to increase the number of courses, so this content could change.

SCCC 114: Food Allergies

Course Description:
This course will help you to understand the risks of cross contacts when preparing and serving foods to those with food allergies.
Learning Objectives:
.  To recognize the top 8 common food allergens and sources of gluten
.  To identify common areas of cross contact
.  To describe proper methods of serving clients with food allergies

KICCS Navigational Overview


Welcome to Kentucky Integrated Child Care System (KICCS) Navigational Overview! This course is designed for Division of Child Care (DCC) and Division of Regulated Child Care (DRCC) staff to understand the purpose of the KICCS user guides and how KICCS can be used to support their roles.

*Please note that clicking on resource links will open a new window

Click on the first lesson below to get started.

AMAA – Disability 101

The Adaptive Martial Arts Association partnered with the Human Development Institute at the University of Kentucky to develop this three-module Disability 101 training to provide a baseline for martial arts instructors to support people with disabilities. The training was developed with the lived experience of the adaptive martial arts community, a comprehensive literature review on the benefits of martial arts on people with disabilities, and utilizing existing disability and health training for communities. The three modules include disability 101, universal design, and planning for successfully implementing an adaptive martial arts program. The training was developed as an asynchronous format available for on-demand viewing for martial arts programs around the country.  

Click the first lesson below to begin the course.

Local Trusted Champion 101

Title Banner for the Local Trusted Champion 101 course

Welcome to the Local Trusted Champion Orientation

Click below to get started!

COMM 206: Communication Call to Action – Don’t let them leave without it (1 hour)

Communication is essential for any student to benefit from education. Yet, every year Kentucky transitions students out of high school who have not successfully learned to communicate clearly since they first enrolled in kindergarten. It is a necessity for students with complex communication needs to augment their communication skills to be successful in:

  • Engaging in academic instruction
  • Developing social skills and friendships, and
  • Successfully transitioning to work and post-school educational opportunities.

Students without communicative support are at high risk for seclusion and restraint. These students are more likely to communicate frustration using behavior when their attempts at communicating are not understood or acknowledged as communicative.

This course series is called “Don’t Let Them Leave Without It!” It is intended for school and district leaders responsible for the education of all children across the grade span from kindergarten through high school and who support the teachers and related service personnel responsible for direct support and intervention to improve these outcomes.

ECE 140es: Kentucky Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns (1 hr) (¡Mírame! Celebrando los indicadores y compartiendo preocupaciones)

ECE140 and ECE140es are the same course. Credit is only given for one version of the course every five years.

ECE140 y ECE140es son el mismo curso. El crédito será otorgado al completar uno de estos cursos cada cinco años.

If you are unable to progress through the course content, make sure to LOGIN, and check out for the English version of the course or checkout for the Spanish version of the course if you haven’t already. Access to this course is FREE.

Como proveedor de Educación Temprana, juegas un papel critico en la salud y bienestar de los niños. Además, estás en el lugar indicado para identificar si algún niño necesita ayuda especifica en su proceso de desarrollo. Este curso en línea, Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns, te ayudará a cumplir tu rol, brindándote las herramientas y prácticas necesarias para monitorear el desarrollo de los niños que cuidas, e informar apropiadamente a sus padres.

El curso se concentra en:

  • La importancia de monitorear el desarrollo de los niños.
  • Nuestro rol en el monitoreo del desarrollo.
  • Cómo monitorear fácilmente el desarrollo de los niños.
  • Cómo comunicar a los padres sobre el desarrollo de sus niños.

Los objetivos del curso son:

  • Enumerar tres preocupaciones sobre el desarrollo que los proveedores de atención y educación temprana deben monitorear.
  • Identificar al menos tres hitos del desarrollo para cada grupo de edades.
  • Describir cómo usar los recursos de “Aprende las señales. Actúa temprano” en el trabajo de educación temprana con niños y padres.
  • Describir dos estrategias de comunicación que las familias pueden usar al tratar temas sobre el desarrollo de sus hijos.

Utilice los siguientes enlaces para ver cada sección del contenido del curso:

“¡Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns” fue desarrollado por el programa “Learn the Signs. Act Early” del Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades.

Este programa se desarrolló en colaboración con la Oficina de Niños y Familias, la Oficina de Salud Materno infantil de la Administración de Recursos y Servicios de Salud, el programa Healthy Child Care América de la Academia Americana de Pediatría, el Centro Nacional de Salud de Head Start, la Asociación Nacional para la Educación de Niños Pequeños, Child Care Aware y el Centro de Estudios Infantiles de Yale.

La versión de esta capacitación en Kentucky, agrega una sección sobre los recursos que se brindan en este estado. Al finalizar el curso, se le emitirá 1 hora valida en ECE-TRIS.

SCCC 101 OK: Orientation

Welcome to the Senior Center Community College
This interactive education experience is YOUR place to learn time-honored fundamentals and new skills/subjects that will help you to make your senior center(s) high performing. There are a wide array of courses from which you may choose. We hope that you will choose them all. You can take these courses in any order that you’d like and at the completion of each course you will receive a digital certificate of completion.

Click on the first lesson below to get started…

SCCC 101 GA: Orientation

Welcome to the Senior Center Community College
This interactive education experience is YOUR place to learn time-honored fundamentals and new skills/subjects that will help you to make your senior center(s) high performing. There are a wide array of courses from which you may choose. We hope that you will choose them all. You can take these courses in any order that you’d like and at the completion of each course you will receive a digital certificate of completion.

Click on the first lesson below to get started…

SCCC 101 KY: Orientation

Welcome to the Senior Center Community College
This interactive education experience is YOUR place to learn time-honored fundamentals and new skills/subjects that will help you to make your senior center(s) high performing. There are a wide array of courses from which you may choose. We hope that you will choose them all. You can take these courses in any order that you’d like and at the completion of each course you will receive a digital certificate of completion.

Click on the first lesson below to get started…

DAIL 102: New Employee Orientation Part 2

Welcome to the Department for Aging and Independent Living!

We are excited that you have joined our dynamic team made up of individuals who are passionate and motivated to make a difference in the lives of others.

New Employee Orientation 2 is designed to provide an overview of the Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL) policies and procedures, what DAIL is and what a guardian does.  This course will provide a basic outline and more detailed information will be provided in later courses.

All new employees are required to attend the CHFS new hire training, conducted by the Office of Human Resource Management.

Course Length: New Employee Orientation Part 2 will take approximately 1 hour to complete.

*(Please note that clicking on resource links in the course will open a new window)

COMM 204: Improving Care for People Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Welcome to this online course on Improving Care for People Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication. This training is intended to provide you with basic information on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and present resources that have been developed by the Human Development Institute (HDI) and the UK College of Dentistry, funded by The WITH Foundation. 

SCCC 116: Reading Financial Statements

Learning Objective:
The learner will get a better understanding of how cash flows through their organization and how financial statements describe that cash flow
Course Significance:
Whether you are a new supervisor or the head of a large, multi-service organization, learning to read financial statements is an important part of your job. In many respects, your organization’s financial statements are its report card. Managers are often “graded” based on their financial reports. Yet most managers don’t know how to read the report card. This course is designed to give you additional knowledge about your organization’s finances, so that the good work you do in your organization is reflected by good “grades” on its report card.

SL: Simplified Signs for Adults with Spoken Language Concerns

Hands forming various ASL signs.


This course is based on Simplified Signs: A Manual Sign-Communication System for Special Populations by John D. Bonvillian, Nicole Kissane Lee, Tracy T. Dooley, and Filip T. Loncke. Published by Open Book Publishers.

We would like to thank the authors of the Simplified Signs Communication System for providing a way to help people communicate as well as the Fund for Excellence grant at the Human Development Institute at the University of Kentucky for the funding for this project.

Want more information?

Watch This Video

This video will explain a little about the Simplified System and all the research that went into creating the Simplified Sign System.  It also provides additional introductions to the Simplified Sign System as well as some of the signs you will see later in this course.

Visit this Website

Volume 1: Principles, Background, and Application

Simplified Signs: A Manual Sign-Communication System for Special Populations by John D. Bonvillian, Nicole Kissane Lee, Tracy T. Dooley, and Filip T. Loncke. Published by Open Book Publishers.

Volume 2: Simplified Sign Lexicon, Descriptions, and Memory Aids

Simplified Signs: A Manual Sign-Communication System for Special Populations by John D. Bonvillian, Nicole Kissane Lee, Tracy T. Dooley, and Filip T. Loncke. Published by Open Book Publishers.

Click the first Lesson below to get started!

ITACC: Fiscal Basic Training 2

iTACC Logo, Reads"Information and Technical Assistance Center for Councils on Developmental Disabilities"

What is your role?

Before we begin, what is your role with the DD Council?(Required)

This page will refresh upon form submission.

MI 101: Motivational Interviewing for Vaccine Hesitancy

Motivational interviewing, or MI, is a communication style proven to be effective in helping people adopt successful health behavior changes, including getting vaccinated. Supporting friends, family, and community members to get the COVID-19 vaccine can be difficult and can sometimes cause conflict This six-lesson course will introduce the foundations of MI, provide examples of how you can use MI to support people to get the COVID-19 vaccine and offer additional resources for future learning.

Friends, family and community attending  town hall meeting about covid-19.

NOTE: Each Lesson and Topic will conclude with reflections questions called “Think Spots”. Think Spot questions are not scored, but are required to complete the course.