ECE 080: Provider CCAP Billing Basics (July 2024) (1 hour)

Headshot of woman with long dark curly hair standing in front of a window.

Provider Billing Basics Training is designed to give child care providers an introduction to the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) and the CCAP billing process. All new child care providers must complete this Division of Child Care (DCC) approved training before receiving CCAP payments and yearly thereafter. This training must also be taken any time there is a director change or a change in the staff member submitting the CCAP billing. The new staff person will be required to set up their own KOG (Kentucky Online Gateway) account and get KICCS (Kentucky Integrated Child Care System) portal access.  Log in information should not be shared.

CCAP provides payment assistance on a sliding income scale for eligible families, allowing them to gain employment and remain employed.  

You will receive 1 clock hour of credit in ECE-TRIS upon the completion of this course.

  • If parents have questions about CCAP Enrollment, they will need to contact DCBS Family Support at (855) 306-8959 to discuss the specifics of their case.
  • Providers may contact DCC with questions concerning payments or certificates at or (844) 209-2657.

CCAP is Administered by

Division of Family Support (DFS)

  • Assists families with the CCAP application process and maintains the CCAP case.
  • Handles the CCAP eligibility and certificate process.
  • Utilizes the Integrated Electronic Eligibility System, (IEES).

Division of Child Care (DCC)

  • Supports all child care providers.
  • Manages CCAP payments, enrollment fees, rate increases, banking information, and assists providers with questions related to payments.
  • Utilizes the Kentucky Integrated Child Care System (KICCS).

Division of Regulated Child Care (DRCC)
aka “Licensing”

Manages all licensing and inspection through KICCS.

If you encounter technical issues with the site, please use the “Contact Us” button at the bottom of this page.

Copy of ECE 146: The Administration of the Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP) Birth – 3 (5 hours)

This online course introduces providers to the administration and scoring of the HELP®, a curriculum-based assessment approved for use for KY First Steps providers and published by VORT Corporation. The course is estimated to take 5 hours to complete and provides an overview of the features of the HELP®. Course materials must be purchased prior to enrollment from VORT at

Important Note:

This course was developed based on the bound version of the manual published by the VORT Corporation. The course can be completed with the unbound version as well as the version published by Shine Early Learning, although the page numbers may not match up, you may need to make sure to locate the correct domains and items in those versions.

Course Outline

  • Section 1: Components of the HELP® 0-3 System (30 minutes)
  • Section 2: HELP® System Unique Features (30 minutes)
  • Section 3: Assessment Procedures and Crediting with the HELP® (1 hour, 30 minutes)
  • Section 4: Practice, Practice, Practice (2 hours)
  • Section 5: Conclusion (30 minutes)

Training Outcomes

  • Gain knowledge of the various resources available related to the Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP)® for Birth – 3 Years;
  • Describe methods for collecting information and the types of information to collect during the HELP® assessment process;
  • Observe various video clips and credit children’s skills using the HELP® Strands protocol;
  • Locate resources for determining approximate Developmental Age Levels for the HELP®

Workplace Outcomes

After completing this course, you will possess the skills to:

  • Identify components of the HELP® 0-3 Curriculum-Based Assessment System;
  • Describe the components of the HELP® Strands and Checklist for children aged birth to three years;
  • Assess a child using the HELP® 0-3.

Target Audience

  • Early Intervention
  • Preschool Teachers

Content developed by: Caroline Gooden and Carol Schroeder, Human Development Institute, University of Kentucky in consultation with Stephanie Parks, Inside HELP® author.

Sponsored by: Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department of Public Health

Hours: 5 – approved for early intervention and child care early care and education hours

Copy of ECE 146*: The Administration of the Hawaii Early Learning Profile® (HELP®)Birth – 3 (5 hours) *KEIS Only*

An introduction to the administration and scoring of the HELP®, a curriculum-based assessment approved for use for KY Early Intervention System providers and published by Shine Early Learning. The course is estimated to take 5 hours to complete and provides an overview of the features of the HELP®. Course materials must be purchased prior to enrollment from Shine Early Learning at

This online course introduces providers to the administration and scoring of the HELP®, a curriculum-based assessment approved for use for KEIS providers and published by Shine Early Learning. The course is estimated to take 5 hours to complete, and provides an overview to the features of the HELP®. Course materials must be purchased prior to enrollment from Shine Early Learning at

Course Details

Icon with 3 people sitting behind a table.

Target Audience

Early Intervention

Black and white illustration of a clock showing exactly 3 o'clock.

Clock Hours


Content Developed By:

Caroline Gooden and Carol Schroeder, Human Development Institute, University of Kentucky in consultation with Stephanie Parks, Inside HELP® author.

Sponsored By:

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department of Public Health

Important Information

This course was developed based on the bound version of the manual published by the VORT Corporation. The course can be completed with the unbound version as well as the version published by Shine Early Learning, although the page numbers may not match up, you may need to make sure to locate the correct domains and items in those versions.

Important Note:

Course Outline

  • Section 1: Components of the HELP® 0-3 System (30 minutes)
  • Section 2: HELP® System Unique Features (30 minutes)
  • Section 3: Assessment Procedures and Crediting with the HELP® (1 hour, 30 minutes)
  • Section 4: Practice, Practice, Practice (2 hours)
  • Section 5: Conclusion (30 minutes)

Training Outcomes

  • Gain knowledge of the various resources available related to the Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP®) for Birth – 3 Years;
  • Describe methods for collecting information and the types of information to collect during the HELP® assessment process;
  • Observe various video clips and credit children’s skills using the HELP® Strands protocol;
  • Locate resources for determining approximate Developmental Age Levels for the HELP®

Workplace Outcomes

After completing this course, you will possess the skills to:

  • Identify components of the HELP® 0-3 Curriculum-Based Assessment System;
  • Describe the components of the HELP® Strands and Checklist for children aged birth to three years;
  • Assess a child using the HELP® 0-3.

Content developed by: Caroline Gooden and Carol Schroeder, Human Development Institute, University of Kentucky in consultation with Stephanie Parks, Inside HELP® author.

Sponsored by: Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department of Public Health

Hours: 5, approved for early intervention and child care licensing renewal

ECE 010 Early Care Orientation Online-ECOOL (v. 2021) – versión en español

Círculo con bloques de construcción de madera.  La fase «Orientación en línea sobre el cuidado en la primaria infancia: Sentando las bases para un cuidado de calidad» a la derecha del círculo.

Este curso en línea cumple con el requisito obligatorio de orientación de 6 horas para profesionales de educación y cuidado en la primera infancia en Kentucky.

La capacitación de orientación consta de tres lecciones:

  • Salud, seguridad y saneamiento: 2 horas
    • Incluye capacitación obligatoria en primeros auxilios y RCP
  • Reconocer y denunciar el abuso y el abandono infantil: 1 hora
  • Prácticas recomendadas en educación y cuidado en la primera infancia: 3 horas

Los alumnos deben tener acceso a una impresora para obtener copias de folletos complementarios y otra información que quieran conservar.

Todas las actividades deben completarse en los tres módulos para que se otorgue un certificado. Excepto actividades no calificadas (NG); que pertenecen a sus experiencias o su entorno de trabajo, las actividades deben completarse a un 80% o más de corrección. Las actividades podrán rehacerse hasta lograr al menos un 80% de acierto.

Al completar exitosamente el curso, se mostrará un Reconocimiento de finalización del curso dentro del curso. Además, su registro personal de capacitación se actualizará en ECE-TRIS en un plazo de 10 días.

Registro ECE-TRIS: El Sistema de Información de Registros de Capacitación en Educación Infantil Temprana de Kentucky (ECE-TRIS) es una base de datos centralizada que rastrea y almacena registros de capacitación individuales. Como nuevo profesional de educación y cuidado en la primera infancia, asegúrese de configurar una cuenta en ECE-TRIS para que todas sus horas de capacitación se contabilicen a través de este sistema. Para registrarse, complete el Formulario de información personal de ECE-TRIS. Este formulario debe enviarse por fax o por correo a la dirección que figura en el formulario, o enviarse en línea durante el curso.

Público objetivo: profesionales de educación y cuidado en la primera infancia en Kentucky.

Horas: 6, cuidado y educación en la primera infancia

Copy of ECE 151*: Importance of the Kentucky Early Childhood Standards and Early Intervention Assessment Data (1.5 hours) *Kentucky Early Intervention Services Providers Only*

Man sitting in room in a house holding a small child in his lap.  He is smiling at someone across from him.

Welcome to the Importance of the Kentucky Early Childhood Standards and Kentucky Early Intervention Services (KEIS) Assessment Data course. This course is for Kentucky Early Intervention Services (KEIS) providers only.

Course Length: This course will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete.

Course Requirements: To complete this course, participants are required to pass a 10-question multiple-choice quiz and a final short essay question. Please note that grading of the essay question can take up to 3 business days. A grading rubric is provided along with the final essay question to help guide you in responding. 

You will receive an email notification from our Learning Management System upon receiving a passing grade on the essay. If your essay does not receive a passing grade, you will receive an email from the Course Facilitator with suggestions on revising the essay and resubmitting for regrading. If it has been more than 3 business days since you completed all components of the course (including the essay) and you have not received an email, please contact for assistance.

**Please note that all links open in a new tab.**

Click the first lesson below to get started!

ECE 203 – Authentic Assessment for Early Childhood: An Introduction (2 hours)

Welcome to

Authentic Assessment for Early Childhood: An Introduction

This training on Authentic Assessment for early childhood educators will help you gain skills in understanding the importance of authentic assessment and how you can use the information you gather in a variety of ways.  This training does not focus on a specific assessment tool but gives you a solid background in assessment so that you can use the tools you already have or choose a tool in the future.   

When you return to the workplace you will be able to collect relevant developmental information about a child to communicate with the family and others, use collected information to plan for the child’s progress, and plan periodic assessments and monitor ongoing progress. 

Important Information!

This course requires satisfactory completion of an application activity prior to receiving completion credit for this training.  Once submitted it can take up to 3 business days to be reviewed.  Please allow ample time for completion of all course components and respond to any communication from the course facilitator in a timely manner.

Once all course components have been completed, credit will be entered into ECE-TRIS within 10 calendar days.

Throughout this course links are used, any links will open in a new window.

To Begin, Click the First Lesson Below

ECE 202: Plan Your Professional Development (2.5 hrs)

Planning Your Professional Development

In this self-paced course, participants will learn about the importance of Professional Development for early childhood educators.  They will be introduced to the Kentucky Career Lattice and the Kentucky Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators.  Participants will learn about SMART goals, create their own Annual Professional Development Plan, and share that plan with people who can support them as they complete it, including their Center Director and Child Care Aware Professional Development Coach. Completing an annual Professional Development Plan is required by child care regulations [922 KAR 2:090 Child-care center licensure – Section 9, 11(1)(f)] and [922 KAR 2:100. Certification of family child-care homes Section 2 (9)(b)]

Course Details

Icon with 3 people sitting behind a table.

Target Audience

All Staff

Learning Environment

Infant Toddler

Icon of two people standing beside a chart with a bar graph.

Training Level


Core Content Subject Area

Program management and evaluation

Core Content Competency

Practice self-evaluation to determine professional growth and performance, using Kentucky’s Early Childhood Core content, and other appropriate materials to assist in identifying areas of need.

Additional Information

CDA Content Area: Maintaining a Commitment to Professionalism

NAEYC Professional Standard Area: Standard 6, Professionalism as an Early Childhood Educator; 6e: Develop and sustain the habit of reflective and intentional practice in their daily work with young children and as members of the early childhood profession.

ECE 140es: Kentucky Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns (1 hr) (¡Mírame! Celebrando los indicadores y compartiendo preocupaciones)

ECE140 and ECE140es are the same course. Credit is only given for one version of the course every five years.

ECE140 y ECE140es son el mismo curso. El crédito será otorgado al completar uno de estos cursos cada cinco años.

If you are unable to progress through the course content, make sure to LOGIN, and check out for the English version of the course or checkout for the Spanish version of the course if you haven’t already. Access to this course is FREE.

Como proveedor de Educación Temprana, juegas un papel critico en la salud y bienestar de los niños. Además, estás en el lugar indicado para identificar si algún niño necesita ayuda especifica en su proceso de desarrollo. Este curso en línea, Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns, te ayudará a cumplir tu rol, brindándote las herramientas y prácticas necesarias para monitorear el desarrollo de los niños que cuidas, e informar apropiadamente a sus padres.

El curso se concentra en:

  • La importancia de monitorear el desarrollo de los niños.
  • Nuestro rol en el monitoreo del desarrollo.
  • Cómo monitorear fácilmente el desarrollo de los niños.
  • Cómo comunicar a los padres sobre el desarrollo de sus niños.

Los objetivos del curso son:

  • Enumerar tres preocupaciones sobre el desarrollo que los proveedores de atención y educación temprana deben monitorear.
  • Identificar al menos tres hitos del desarrollo para cada grupo de edades.
  • Describir cómo usar los recursos de “Aprende las señales. Actúa temprano” en el trabajo de educación temprana con niños y padres.
  • Describir dos estrategias de comunicación que las familias pueden usar al tratar temas sobre el desarrollo de sus hijos.

Utilice los siguientes enlaces para ver cada sección del contenido del curso:

“¡Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns” fue desarrollado por el programa “Learn the Signs. Act Early” del Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades.

Este programa se desarrolló en colaboración con la Oficina de Niños y Familias, la Oficina de Salud Materno infantil de la Administración de Recursos y Servicios de Salud, el programa Healthy Child Care América de la Academia Americana de Pediatría, el Centro Nacional de Salud de Head Start, la Asociación Nacional para la Educación de Niños Pequeños, Child Care Aware y el Centro de Estudios Infantiles de Yale.

La versión de esta capacitación en Kentucky, agrega una sección sobre los recursos que se brindan en este estado. Al finalizar el curso, se le emitirá 1 hora valida en ECE-TRIS.

ECE 225F: Implementing Kentucky Strengthening Families – Nurturing and Attachment (1 hr)

This course is a follow-up to ECE 125 Introduction to the Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative. You must complete that course before beginning this one.

This course will allow you to focus on implementing the Protective Factor of Nurturing and Attachment within your classroom or childcare center.

Our vision for families:

  • Families respond to their child with warmth and consistently build a strong and secure attachment.
  • Families help their child to trust that their environments are safe.
  • Families recognize and embrace their child’s strengths and individuality.
  • Families teach their child how to form and keep healthy relationships with others.

Families with strong nurturing and attachment give their children the best chance of developing into teens and adults who are happy, healthy and possess individual-level protective factors, such as relational, self-regulation and problem solving skills.

This course will involve personal reflection, gathering feedback, intentional family interactions and will provide resources.

Emily Keely

Lead Facilitator

Kristen Martin

State Supervisor

If you encounter technical issues with the site, please use the “Contact Us” button at the bottom of the page.

Course Objectives

1. Gain an understanding of

2. Connect the Nurturing and Attachment Protective Factor to the six Guiding Premises.

ECE 225E: Implementing Kentucky Strengthening Families – Social and Emotional Competence (1 hr)

This course is a follow-up to ECE 125 Introduction to the Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative. You must complete that course before beginning this one.

This course will allow you to focus on implementing the Protective Factor of Social and Emotional Competence within your classroom or childcare center.

Our vision for families:

  • Families encourage and reinforce their child’s positive social skills and set limits in a positive way.
  • Families help their children manage and communicate their feelings.
  • Families teach and encourage their child to solve problems in age-appropriate ways.
  • Families provide regular routines for young children.

Families with strong social and emotional competence interact with their children in ways that help children develop the ability to recognize, communicate
and regulate their emotions.

This course will involve personal reflection, gathering feedback, intentional family interactions and will provide resources.

Emily Keely

Lead Facilitator

Kristen Martin

State Supervisor

If you encounter technical issues with the site, please use the “Contact Us” button at the bottom of the page.

Course Objectives

1. Help families develop social and emotional competence.

2. Connect the Social and Emotional Competence Protective Factor to the six Guiding Premises.