This course is a follow-up to ECE 125 Introduction to the Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative. You must complete that course before beginning this one.
This course will allow you to focus on implementing the Protective Factor of Social Connections within any setting that serves young children and their families.
When people experience positive social connections, they:
- Maintain multiple friendships and supportive relationships with others.
- Primary caregivers feel respected and appreciated in their roles.
- Accept help and give help to others.
- Establish connections and a sense of belonging with other families.
Families who have positive social connections seek timely assistance from people they have learned to “count on” and are empowered to give back through satisfying, mutually beneficial relationships. Supportive social connections help buffer families from stressors and support nurturing parenting skills that promote secure attachments in young children.
Course Details

Target Audience
All Staff

Learning Environment
Infant Toddler
School Age