ECE 117: Learnscaping – Creating Appropriate Environments for Preschoolers GP (1 hour)


This one hour training module is intended to help professionals engage children in meaningful play experiences. This course will offer evidence-based information and short vignettes to demonstrate intentional teaching strategies when engaging young children in play.



This one hour training module is intended to help professionals engage children in meaningful play experiences. This course will offer evidence-based information and short vignettes to demonstrate intentional teaching strategies when engaging young children in play.


The Training objective for you to take the knowledge acquired and be able to:

• Identify age-appropriate materials with varying skill levels to support preschoolers.
• Understand how materials support cognitive, physical and social-emotional skills of preschoolers.
• Design exciting interest centers that invite very young children to interact safely with materials.

Work place outcomes: you will be able to:
• Reflect on your own interest center’s design and create inviting, safe learning centers for preschoolers.
• Recognize quality attributes of various learning materials and apply those to foster intentional learning moments.
• Review the list of tips and resources to help enhance play experiences for preschoolers.

Core Content: Learning environment and curriculum (Level 1)
CDA Subject Area: Planning a safe and healthy learning environment

1 credit hour, upon successful completion of course a certificate will be available. Your ECE-TRIS training record will be updated within 10 working days of completion.