Supported Employment Core Training Series



The Supported Employment Core Training Series is required for all who provide direct service of supported employment in Kentucky. It is open to anyone interested in learning more about supported employment. This Series consists of 2 Sessions:

Session 1: Overview of Supported Employment Services in Kentucky; online course and three (3) days held live via Zoom.

Session 2: Impact of Wages on Benefits; online course and a half day held live via Zoom.

You will select dates to attend the live via Zoom days and attendance is required for the full day.

Important note: If you are registering someone else for the training, please enter their contact information in the upcoming billing section, not yours. The information entered here is tied to the user’s HDI Learning account, which is where they will log in to take required online courses.


The entire Supported Employment Core Training Series is required for those who will be providing any portion of direct support in Supported Employment in Kentucky.  Anyone interested in Supported Employment is welcome to attend. The training series consists of online courses and days held live via Zoom.