KDE 103: Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant 1% Training – Preparing for ARC – Participation Guidelines for 3rd – 12th Grade (2023 version)-GP


The Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines is intended to help guide an ARC in determining whether the Kentucky Alternate Assessment (Alternate K-Prep) based on alternate achievement standards, is the most appropriate assessment for an individual student with the most significant cognitive disability.


The Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines is intended to help guide an ARC in determining whether the Kentucky Alternate Assessment (Alternate K-Prep) based on alternate achievement standards, is the most appropriate assessment for an individual student with the most significant cognitive disability.

ARCs must consider a student’s individual characteristics when determining whether a student with a disability should participate in the general assessment with or without accommodations, or in an alternate assessment.  This document outlines steps that an ARC should take in determining whether participating in the alternate assessment is appropriate for a student. Those steps include: (a) reviewing student records and important information across multiple school years and multiple settings (e.g., school, home, community), and (b) determining whether the student fits all of the criteria for participating in the alternate assessment as outlined in the participation guidelines document form.

As a result of this training, learners will be able to:

  • describe how what a teacher sees and collects in the classroom informs how a student participates in Kentucky assessments
  • define a significant cognitive disability
  • describe how students participate in Kentucky assessments
  • differentiate between accommodation and modification
  • prepare to answer the Participation Guidelines’ 4 Criterions

This online training series is intended only for school district personnel. No hours for early care and education are available.