Engaging Participants’ Minds as Well as Their Bodies: Thinking Routines (Fay Aweimrin)




May 21, 1:00-2:00 p.m.

Engaging Participants’ Minds as Well as Their Bodies: Thinking Routines (Blended Session)


Nicki Patton Rowe

When we think of engaging participants, we usually think of engaging them in activities. This session will focus on strategies for using Thinking Routines: Thinking routines are easy to use mini strategies that encourage active cognitive processing and structure classroom discussions. The idea is to make thinking “visible” to get a better idea of what participants understand and HOW they are understanding it.

Learning Outcomes:

? Participants will learn how to engage all participants at the same time and encourage deeper cognitive engagement by incorporating Thinking Routines into training.

Please Note: This session includes a pre-assignment. The full two hours will be issued upon completion of pre-assignment and participation during the one-hour virtual session.

Price: $20.00

Total Clock hours: 2

Capacity: 100