Group Management Buy Courses Group Group name The name of the group for which you are purchasing the courses. Seats The number of users who require access. Courses Price 5210 Toolkit LD GP $5.00 Addressing Conflict of Interest GP $0.00 Adult-Child Interactions in Storytime GP $0.00 Advocacy Group Leader Module: Disseminating Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Results about Disabilities to Black and Hispanic Parents-gc $0.00 Advocacy, Public Policy, and Activities: Councils on Developmental Disabilities GP $0.00 AMAA - Disability 101 (GC) $0.00 Benefits 101: A Guided Study of Your Own Situation LD GP $0.00 Coming Soon: External Transition 201: Impacts on Children and Families GP $0.00 COMM 206 (GC): Communication Call to Action – Don’t let them leave without it Course pageBuilderSettingsGroups $0.00 COMM 209: Augmentative & Alternative Communication Supports for Transition-Aged Youth and Adults (1.6 hours) (GC) $0.00 DDID Crisis Prevention Intervention Training (GC) $0.00 ECE 010: Cuidados en la primera infancia Orientacion en linea: Sentando las bases prar una atencion de Calidad-GC $30.00 ECE 010: Early Care Orientation Online (ECOOL) v. 2021 GP $30.00 ECE 060: Introduction to the Kentucky All-STARS Standards (GP) (no hours) $0.00 ECE 080: Provider CCAP Billing Basics (July 2024) (1 hr) $0.00 ECE 101: External Transition - Suspension & Expulsion – Impacts on Children and Families (Single Course) (Group Product) 1 hour $5.00 ECE 103: Suspension & Expulsion – Prevention, Intervention, and Evidence-Based Practices (gp) (1 hour) $5.00 ECE 104: Strengthening the Adult-Child Relationship (FIT) Group Product (1 hour) $0.00 ECE 105: Structuring the Environment to Prevent Misbehavior (FIT) Group Product (1 hour) $0.00 ECE 106: Effective Strategies for Addressing Misbehavior (FIT) Group Product (1 hour) $0.00 ECE 107 (GP) (2 hours) $0.00 ECE 108-GP $5.00 ECE 109: Kentucky All STARS: Introduction to the Environment Rating Scales (ERS) Group Product (2 hours) $0.00 ECE 111: Nurturing Healthy Eaters in Early Care & Education (GP) (2 hours) $5.00 ECE 112: Getting Kids Moving - Physical Activity in Early Care and Education GP (2 hours) $5.00 ECE 113: Staff Wellness in Early Care and Education GP (2 hours) $5.00 ECE 114: Creating a Supportive Environment for Breastfeeding in Child Care GP (1.5 hours) $5.00 ECE 115: Engaging Families using the Kentucky Strengthening Families Protective Factors: Focus on Healthy Behaviors GP (2 hours) $5.00 ECE 116: Learnscaping - Creating Appropriate Environments for Infants and Toddlers LD GP (1 hour) $5.00 ECE 117: Learnscaping - Creating Appropriate Environments for Preschoolers GP (1 hour) $5.00 ECE 118: Learnscaping - Creating Appropriate Environments for School-Agers GP (1 hour) $5.00 ECE 119-GP $0.00 ECE 120: Help! How do I Create Exciting, Accessible Spaces for ALL Children? GP (1 hour) $5.00 ECE 121: Help! How do I work with Children with a Visual Impairment? (GP) (2 hours) $5.00 ECE 122: Help! How do I Provide the Best Environment to Children with Down Syndrome? GP (3 hours) $5.00 ECE 123-GP $5.00 ECE 125-GC $0.00 ECE 126-GC $5.00 ECE 130: Sign Language for Infants GP $5.00 ECE 131: Sign Language for Toddlers GP $5.00 ECE 132: Sign Language for Preschoolers GP $5.00 ECE 133-GC $5.00 ECE 146: The Administration of the Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP) Birth - 3 LD GP (5 hours) $40.00 ECE 147: The Administration of the Carolina Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs (CCITSN) GP (4 hours) $40.00 ECE 151: Importance of KY’s Early Childhood Standards and Early Intervention Assessment Data GP (1.5 hours) $20.00 ECE 201: External Transition - Suspension & Expulsion: Impacts on Children and Families (GP) $30.00 ECE 202-GC $0.00 ECE 203 GC $10.00 ECE 204-GC $10.00 ECE 206-GC $5.00 ECE 207-GC $5.00 ECE 208- GC $5.00 ECE 225a-GC $0.00 ECE 225B-GC $0.00 ECE 300-GC $5.00 ECE 501-GC $5.00 ECE-080-GC $0.00 EMP 101 (GP) $0.00 EMP 102: Important Predictors for Post-High School Success (GP) $0.00 EMP 103: Endless Possibility - Preparing High School Students with Disabilities for Successful Transition to Employment (GP) $0.00 EMP 104 - Family Engagement for Parents with Transition-Aged Children with Disabilities (GP) $0.00 EMP 106 (gc) $0.00 EMP 235: Autism-Informed Employers (gc) $0.00 External Transitions 102: Suspension and Expulsion - Programmatic Impacts (GP) (1 hour) $5.00 FET 200-GC $10.00 FET 210 Beyond Fundamentals Tech for Trainers: Creating and Sharing Photos with Audio LD GP $10.00 FET 211 Beyond Fundamentals Tech for Trainers: Incorporating Low-Tech and Easy Videos in your Professional Development LD GP $10.00 FET 220 Beyond Fundamentals Tech for Trainers: Put More Power in your Point with PowerPoint LD GP $30.00 FET 225 Beyond Fundamentals Tech for Trainers: Presenting Beyond PowerPoint (GP) $30.00 FET 260 Beyond Fundamentals: Laugh to Learn LD GP $30.00 FET 340 Beyond Fundamentals Tech for Trainers: Practical Strategies for Powerful Handouts (GP) $20.00 FET 345: Beyond Fundamentals – Tech for Trainers: Polling and Assessment (GC) $10.00 FET 350 Beyond Fundamentals Tech for Trainers: Universal Design & Accessible Documents (GP) $25.00 FET 360: Beyond Fundamentals - What’s the Problem? Using Problem-Based Assessment to Develop Training (GP) $20.00 FET-375-GC $20.00 Fiscal Basic Training 1 GP $0.00 Fiscal Basic Training 2 GP $0.00 Fiscal Basic Training 3 GP $0.00 General Council Member Training Part 1 GP $0.00 General Council Member Training Part 2 GP $0.00 Help! How do I Teach my Children Self-Regulation? GP (1 hour) $5.00 KDE 101: Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant 1% Training – The KY 1% Alternate Assessment Waiver for 3rd – 12th Grade (2023)-GC $0.00 KDE 102: Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant 1% Training – Completing the Participation Guidelines for 3rd – 12th Grade-GP $0.00 KDE 103: Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant 1% Training – Preparing for ARC – Participation Guidelines for 3rd – 12th Grade (2023 version)-GP $0.00 KDE 104 Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant 1% Training: Learner Characteristics Inventory (2023 version)-GP $0.00 KDE 105: Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant 1% Training: Using Data Sources to Understand & Describe Alternate Assessment Population (2023 version)-GP $0.00 KDE 106: Co-Teaching in Kentucky for the PK-12 Classroom (GC) $0.00 KDE 201: Annual Review Guidance for Alternate Assessment Participation (2024-2025 version) (gc) $0.00 LIB-105-GC $0.00 Low Tech Solutions for Using Video and Talking Photos to Build Staff Competency GP (3 hours) $15.00 NCSC Communication Toolkit LD GP $0.00 PCORI (Medical): Disseminating Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Results about Disabilities to Black and Hispanic Parents-gp $0.00 PHT 201: Medical Professionals: Improving the Prenatal Diagnosis Experience and Long-Term Patient Outcomes with Accurate, Up-to-Date, and Balanced Information about Genetic Conditions (GP) $0.00 PHT 202: Prenatal Medical Outreach Training for Advocacy Organizations (GC) $0.00 PHT 203: Prenatal Medical Outreach Training for Trainees (GC) $0.00 PHT 204: Brighter Tomorrows: Best Practices for Communicating a Prenatal Diagnosis of Down Syndrome (GC) $0.00 PHT 205 Group Course $0.00 PHT 206 GC $0.00 PHT: Preservice Health Training Module: Student Dentists - Hunter (GP) $0.00 Preservice Health Training Module: Medical Students- Bryan (GP) $0.00 Preservice Health Training Module: Nurse Practitioner - Olivia (GP) $0.00 Preservice Health Training Module: Nurse Practitioners - Julia (GP) $0.00 Preservice Health Training Module: Physician Assistants - Julia (GP) $0.00 Preservice Health Training Module: Physician Assistants - Olivia (GP) $0.00 Preservice Health Training Module: Student Dentists – Daniel (GP) $0.00 Preservice Health Training Module: Women's Healthcare (GC) $0.00 Preservice Health Training Modules: Medical Students - Jay (GP) $0.00 School Ready Libraries Module 1: Cognitive & General Knowledge Development LD GP $0.00 School Ready Libraries Module 2: Physical Well-Being and Social Emotional Development LD GP $0.00 School Ready Libraries Module 3: Language Development & Communication LD GP $0.00 SETP 201 (GC) $200.00 setp-traditional $0.00 SL 101-GC $0.00 SPLASH: Systematic Instruction for K-12 Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities LD GP $0.00 SUD 201 (GC) $0.00 Supported Employment Core Training Series (GC) $0.00 Supports for Community Living: Community Access Training for Community Access Specialists and Supervisors (Group Course) $0.00 Systems Change: Basic information for Members, Staff, and other Stakeholders GP $0.00 TAALC 101: Listen Up! Series (GC) $0.00 TAALC 114 (gc) $0.00 Test-101-GC $15.00 TIES 101: Communication Supports in the Inclusive Class (GC) $0.00 Cart total Total $0.00 Add to cart