Activity #3: Provide Resources

I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.

Brené Brown

Based on feedback from your Parent Survey, choose one of the ideas below to implement in your classroom or program.

  • Share a family spotlight in an email, text or parent newsletter. Use it as an opportunity to help families connect and get to know each other better.  (This would be great to do monthly!)
  • Share information about social and community groups for families.
  • On a bulletin board, in a family newsletter on your agency’s Facebook page, etc., share information about the benefits of healthy relationships and signs of negative relationships.
  • Host a Parent Café at your center.
  • Have an alternate idea for getting parents involved in sharing ideas about Social Connections? Email the course facilitator for approval before implementing the activity to complete this assignment.