Change Our Perspective

It is important for us to change our perspective so we can change our attitudes – the way we look at families. 

When we look at children and families through a negative, deficit-focused lens, we tend to…

  • See problems
  • Make negative judgments
  • See fault
  • Expect negative outcomes

But when we change our lens, replacing the deficit-focused lens with a strength-based lens, we see…

  • Solutions
  • Inherent strengths
  • What’s already working
  • Opportunities

As we change our perspective our focus shifts. 

Our focus shifts from a focus on a family’s deficits and risk factors to a more positive focus on the strengths and skills that each family has.

Our focus shifts from focusing on and providing services for “at risk families” to thinking about how we can build strong relationships with ALL families because ALL families face stress and adversity at times.

Our focus shifts from thinking “we need to ‘fix’ families” to an acknowledgment that families know their children best. This means we respect families and work WITH them instead of “doing to” them.

Providers who embrace a trauma-informed approach are more equipped to help individuals “bounce back to move forward” when faced with adversity.

Let us explore more in depth how adversity and trauma impacts individuals.