910 KAR 2:020 – Section 2 Referral Process for Individuals Who Are Not Adjudicated

Section 2.Referral Process for Individuals Who Are Not Adjudicated.

(1)If a referral source wishes the cabinet to be guardian, conservator, limited guardian, limited conservator, or any combination thereof, the referral source shall first contact the division by phone or in writing.

(2)If the referral source wants to proceed with the referral process the division shall provide, to the referral source, the GF-01 Guardianship Information Form and a cover letter providing instructions on how to submit the completed GF-01.

(3)Upon receipt of the completed GF-01 the division shall review and determine if the referral meets the acceptance criteria as follows:

(a)The individual being referred for guardianship is an adult;

(b)Is a legal resident of the Commonwealth, pursuant to KRS 210.290(2)(a);

(c)Has no capable informal network of support;

(d)Has exhausted all other least restrictive alternatives;

(e)Has no other suitable person or entity available or able to be the individual’s guardian;

(f)Does not have a history of violent or sexual criminal behavior; and (g)Upon accepting the referral, the division shall:

1.Complete the AOC-745; and

2.Return the original AOC-745 to the referral source for filing with the District Court in the county of residence.

Source: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/kar/titles/910/002/020/

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