***Please read through ALL of the directions below, #1 – #6. Print if needed for reference***
Assignment 2 Directions: OPENING segment of the Training Plan
1) Click on the link provided to access the Training Plan form, page 1. training-plan-form-pg-1-master-4-18-16
2) Keep in mind the total minutes available within the OPENING segment (10-15%) of your 2-or 3-hour workshop.
3) Fill in page one of the Training Plan as completely as possible, providing your detailed plans for each OPENING task (second vertical column); Welcome, Introductions, Housekeeping and the Overview which includes the “P”-Preview and the “A”-Activate Prior Knowledge.
4) For each OPENING task document what you will do, how you will do it, what you will need and the time needed in the appropriate row of boxes across the Table. Where you see N/A (not applicable), you need not enter any information in those designated boxes.
5) If anything in the OPENING segment addresses one of your Training Outcomes, Insert that Training Outcome in the first vertical column.
6) Submit Assignment 1 within 5 business days by using the upload button below.