Remittance statements are available the day after the Provider Billing Form has been processed by Payment staff.
Portal users can print their remittance statement from the Provider Portal after the PBF has been processed. Each Monday, DCC will print and mail non-portal users the remittance statement for payments processed the prior week.
The remittance statement provides:
In the event of incorrect payments, the provider must contact within ninety (90) calendar days after the month care was provided. Kentucky Administrative Regulations state that payment adjustments will not be made ninety (90) calendar days after the month care was provided.
A Prior Period Adjustment (PPA) is the process used by DCC billing staff, under certain circumstances, to correct a billing issue. A PPA can only be used if the child has received payments in previous months. Per Kentucky Administrative Regulations, (922.KAR 2:160, 17(g)) payments or adjustments cannot be made to the payment ninety (90) days after the month care was provided.
Enrollment fees can be paid for KTAP or Child Care Protection cases approved by DCBS Family Support or DCBS Protection and Permanency. Enrollment fees are only paid for these two groups of recipients.
The enrollment fee must be requested by the provider in writing to Include the child’s name, case number, and the amount being requested. Enrollment fees can only be paid once in a 12-month period and are limited to a family amount of $100 per year.
per family/year
When contacting provide
Anytime an enrollment ends, especially at the yearly recertification, Family Support does not automatically re-enroll children with the previous provider. The parent must notify Family Support of their provider choice each year.
If a child is not on the PBF then the provider, should:
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