Training Outcomes

Now that you have a Workplace Outcome it is time to focus on a Training Outcome. This is when you will outline and sequence the content for your topic. Sequencing content will provide you with information to guide you when creating a training plan.

Step #6 in the 7 Steps to developing a Training Plan is the ‘what’. The ‘what’ is addressed through the Training Outcomes, which are based on Core Content, and are the basis of the content of the training. This content is presented through the knowledge shared and discussed, and the skills practiced. Throughout the training session, questions should be encouraged and addressed in context of the Training Outcomes. The “what” is the topic, which consists of the knowledge and the skills to be learned.

This step is individualized according to the trainer. But there are three guidelines that can be used to help.

Guidelines for sequencing content:

[ms_row][ms_column style=”5/6″ align=”left” class=”” id=””][ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””][ms_accordion_item title=”Identify the logical order for learning the skills” color=”” background_color=”#d6d6d6″ close_icon=”fa-arrow-down” open_icon=”fa-arrow-up” status=”close”]

Determine which skill on your list should be learned first, second, third, etc.[/ms_accordion_item]

[ms_accordion_item title=”Knowledge precedes skills” color=”” background_color=”#d6d6d6″ close_icon=”fa-arrow-down” open_icon=”fa-arrow-up” status=”close”]

You must teach the new knowledge that is related to a skill before the participant can practice the skill.   Provide the knowledge first then provide the opportunity for them to practice the skill that goes with it.[/ms_accordion_item]

[ms_accordion_item title=”Alternate between presenting knowledge and practicing skills” color=”” background_color=”#d6d6d6″ close_icon=”fa-arrow-down” open_icon=”fa-arrow-up” status=”close”]

Alternate between teaching knowledge and practicing the skills that go with it.  In other words, do not cover all the pieces of knowledge first and then practice all of the skills. Rather teach the piece or pieces of knowledge related to the first skill to be learned and then practice that skill.  Repeat for each of these next skills.[/ms_accordion_item][/ms_column][/ms_row]