Three Types of Needs Assessments F19

There are three different types of Needs Assessments: Annual, Individual, and On-the-Spot. Click through the tabs below to read about each assessment type.

It is important to distinguish between the differing Needs Assessment. However, in FET you are focusing on the Individual Training Session Needs Assessment that trainers develop and use prior to each training session in order to tailor the content specifically for that group of participants.

[ms_tabs style=”simple justified” title_color=”#1a72bf” class=”” id=””][ms_tab title=’Annual Needs’ icon=’fa-calendar’]These are created, generally, well in advance of the training, and will focus on trainings to cover over the next year. This could be through a group of people meeting to determine “hot topics” to offer in the upcoming year or by agency administrators to determine content areas of interest and/or need from staff when planning the agency’s training calendar for the year.[/ms_tab] [ms_tab title=’Individual Training’ icon=’fa-book’]An individual trainer would develop and conduct a needs assessment prior to each individual training session in order to tailor the content specifically for that group of participants. [/ms_tab] [ms_tab title=’On-The-Spot’ icon=’fa-thumbs-up’]If there is little to no advance information about your participants, their level of knowledge or their level of experience with the topic at hand, it is referred to as an “on-the-spot” needs assessment. The most common occurrence for this kind of situation is presenting in a conference setting. In this situation, there are efficient and effective methods you can use to get “on-the-spot” information about the participants, their knowledge and their experience. This “on-the-spot” strategy will give you enough information to mentally connect to your content, discussions and/or activities to better meet the needs of the participants. [/ms_tab] [/ms_tabs]