Planning for Transfer of Learning

Definition of Implementation Plan or Action Plan in the context of training:

A personal, written guide with sequenced steps for how the trainee plans to carry out a new skill or skill-set back in their workplace.

Rationale for completing an Implementation Plan/Action Plan:

A completed Implementation Plan/Action Plan provides a map for how the trainee plans to practice, secure support and evaluate their own progress using a new skill or skill-set back in the workplace.

Providing an Implementation Plan/Action Plan form and the time to complete it are critical steps in the ‘transfer of learning’ process.

  • The Implementation Plan form is created and/or provided by the Trainer.
  • The Implementation Plan form is completed by each participant near the end of the training session.
  • The participant’s completed Implementation Plan is to be taken back to their workplace and followed.

Having an appropriate place for participants to document their implementation ideas is crucial in the process of planning for their own transfer of learning.

The Implementation Planning form supports the rationale for effective training  – training that leads to a change in behavior and improved quality of services for children and families.

Providing enough time during the Closing Segment of your workshop so participants can thoughtfully complete all parts of their plan is essential.

By building 5 – 10 minutes into the Closing section of the training, participants can successfully complete a thorough, step-by-step Implementation Plan.

The completed Implementation Plan goes home with the participant. However, in planning ahead for follow-up with your participants, you may want to get in the habit of making a copy of their completed plan for yourself and/or their Director. This adds to the idea of a Partnership and everyone can work from the same page.