Needs Assessment: Training Outcomes and Roadmap

In this topic you will be focusing your attention on the Needs Assessment.  The Needs Assessment supports the trainer in identifying key information that will drive the direction of the content for the training topic.

Below is the Training Outcome and Roadmap that will show the path you will be taking to learn more about Needs Assessments.

Training Outcome

Participants will design a needs assessment for one training session that addresses the major steps in quality assessment.


  • Define ‘Needs Assessment’ and rationale for Needs Assessment
  • Identify 3 key areas of inquiry for developing a Needs Assessment
  • Identify methods of gathering information for a Needs Assessment
  • Identify types of Needs Assessments
  • Practice developing a Needs Assessment
Roadmap Graphic

[ms_panel title=”Needs Assessment” title_color=”#1a72bf” border_color=”#1a72bf ” title_background_color=”#f5f5f5″ border_radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]?Please refer to the FET Handout: Training Design pages 3-8.? [/ms_panel]