Five Core Content Levels Su20

Within the Kentucky Early Childhood Core Content, competencies are differentiated based on Levels. Each Level builds upon itself and what you level your training will depend on the current knowledge and/or education level of your participants.

As a person gains more experience and education he or she gains more confidence and competence.  For example Person A, just out of high school, will be at a different skill level than Person B who has a 2 year degree and 4 years’ experience in the Early Childhood field.  Person B will be at a different skill level from Person C who has a 4 year degree and 10 years’ experience in the Early Childhood field.

To create training that meets the specific needs of each early care and education professional, Core Content starts with basic entry level competencies (Level I) and advances to higher level competencies (Level II, III, IV and V).

Level I competencies are a prerequisite to Level II competencies; Level II competencies are a prerequisite to Level III, and so on.

Individual competencies build on one another across these 5 levels.

This chart below lists verbs used to describe the competencies at all 5 levels of Core Content.

Notice that while there is some overlap among levels there is also a progressive increase in the skills and knowledge needed at successive levels. This verb chart is a helpful visual showing the overlap that occurs as one gains knowledge and skills. Each higher level builds on the past level with an upward progression of knowledge and skills required at each successive level.

Take a few moments and carefully read this chart.

This chart shows how the core content levels differentiate based on the level of learners.