Behavior Change (Level Three)

This information is captured after a short period of time (i.e. 4-8 weeks later) allowing the learner an opportunity to apply their new knowledge and skills back at the workplace. This level is inquiring about what teachers are doing differently back in their classroom after the training session. At this level you are measuring the use of the new knowledge and skills back on the job. This requires follow-up, depending on the topic, 4-8 weeks after the training to measure and determine change.


  • Pre and Post list of materials in the science center
  • Pre and Post set of photos showing changes
  • Pre and Post observation narratives

*The key to this process is that it starts way back during the Needs Assessment so that the teaching staff can collect the baseline information from which to measure. This may involve a pre-assignment before the training. Teachers may be asked to send or bring photos of a certain center in their room or an inventory of the items in their outdoor play area.

Determining your follow up timeline in advance is important. Share with your trainees that they will receive a follow up survey in 6 weeks and to be on the look out for it.

Early childhood professionals need time to practice and implement the new information.