Lesson 4: Areas of Caution

Amber: “Grant recipients must exercise caution. Certain uses of federal funding are not acceptable. Let’s explore what is allowed and what is not.”

HHS (Department of Health & Human Services) Grant Recipients CANNOT lobby 

In general, recipients of federal funds are not allowed to use federal funding to lobby federal, state, or local officials or their staff to receive additional funding or influence legislation.  


  • Spending federal funds to influence an officer or employee of any agency or Congressional member/staff; 
  • Using grants funds to influence an election, contribute to a partisan organization, or influence enactment or modification of any pending federal or state legislation; or 
  • Expending federal funds to influence federal, state, or local officials or legislation. 

HHS Grant Recipients may engage in the following: 

  • Technical or factual presentations on topics related to the performance of a grant. This may be in response to a documented request made by a member of Congress or other legislative body.
  • Nonpartisan analyses, studies, research reports, and examinations 
  • Broad discussions of social and economic matters, provided upon request by a legislator for technical advice and assistance, as defined by the Internal Revenue Code. 
  • Any activity specifically authorized by statute to be undertaken with funds from the federal award. 
  • Final Quiz