Training Outcome and Roadmap

Training Outcomes         

Participants will define effective training and transfer of learning.

Participants will identify the people that are key to successful transfer of learning and why transfer of learning is a team effort.

Participants will select appropriate follow-up strategies that increase the probability that learning and skills will transfer from the training setting to the participant’s workplace.

Participants will describe what an implementation/action plan is and why it’s an important part of the training process.

Participants will complete an Implementation Plan/Action Plan.


  • Explore the connection between the training experience and the actual transfer of learning back on the job.
  • Discuss barriers that may prevent trainees from transferring knowledge and skills back in the workplace.
  • Identify the people involved in a transfer partnership and their responsibilities.
  • Explore and summarize a specific strategy that supports follow-up and transfer of learning back on the job.
  • Define implementation plan/action plan and the rationale for including it in the training process.
  • Identify what should be included on an implementation plan/action plan.
  • Explore different transfer of learning strategies and develop a transfer activity for a future training.
Roadmap Icon

[ms_panel title=”Handout” title_color=”#1a72bf” border_color=”#1a72bf ” title_background_color=”#f5f5f5″ border_radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]Please refer to the FET Handout: Transfer of Learning pages (1-9). This handout has been pre-printed and is in your FET Binder.[/ms_panel]