Introducing the Training Plan Form S19

By now, you have been introduced to the Needs Assessment and the Training Plan Worksheet. These two documents are essential to creating a Training Plan.

Creating the Training Plan is step #7 (How?) of the 7 steps in developing a Training Plan. The ‘how’ is all about the Training Plan.

The Training Plan is the roadmap that guides how the trainer will….

  • Cover the content
  • Use appropriate methods and interesting materials
  • Provide practice opportunities
  • Meet learning styles
  • Remain focused
  • Stay within the timeframe agreed upon
  • Meet the training outcomes.

The Training Plan also helps to ensure that participants can be more successful in meeting the Workplace Outcome. The Training Plan is critical for successfully addressing the ‘how’.

All the work you have done up to now will provide the content and information that is needed when creating your Training Plan.

A blank copy of the Training Plan Form can be found in your FET ?handout on pg 43-45. Please pull and refer to as needed.  To download an electronic copy, please click the button below.

The video below will walk you through the blank Training Plan form.  Feel free to pause and watch the video as many times as needed.