FET 4-8 Wrap-Up S20

Congratulations! You have now walked through all the steps necessary to complete a Training Plan. Looking forward to putting this into practice at our upcoming face-to-face training. For full details about the face-to-face location and agenda for the day go to FET-9 under My Courses.


Your feedback is valuable and greatly appreciated. FET recently transferred to a new learning management system and we are particularly interested in hearing about your experience.

Please complete the anonymous course evaluation available below:

*Note: This evaluation should only be completed once.

Thank you for your participation!

We know this is a lot of information to digest.  No need to worry, remember your Training Coach will always be available to assist whenever you are developing a Training Plan.  Training Coaches are available as a resource before, during, and after FET.

Contact information can be found here:

Training Coach Map

Visit the Partnership for Early Childhood Services Website to find the contact info you need!

Training Coach Map