Analyzing Training Data F19

In this section we will look at helpful questions that will assist you in analyzing your training and determining the refinement that is needed to make it more effective for future participants.

Necessary Step: Post-Training Reflection

  • If you are new to training, consistently engage in the post-training reflection exercise of analyzing information from participant evaluation forms and self-reflection.
  • If you are an experienced trainer, but not taking the time or effort to do this post-training reflection exercise, it is time to implement this step in your workshop process.

The questions asked on participant evaluations are very important. They are the premise for getting the answers needed for reflection, analysis and ultimately, refinement of that training. Likewise, the trainer should answer these same questions as part of his/her self-evaluation. This process of analysis; reflecting back, documenting observations and analyzing the level of effectiveness in implementing the training process, content, activities and of their own skills and knowledge as a trainer, should be a consistent part of a trainer’s workshop process.

Here are some important reflection questions a trainer should use to guide the development of their evaluation forms and for self-evaluation, post-training.

Each of these questions can be answered from two perspectives:

  1. From information summarized off participant evaluations.
  2. From the trainer’s own observations and experiences while conducting the training.

 One very important message to get from this section on Refinement of Training is that not only do you need to get and pay attention to feedback from participants, you need to also self-analyze. Your own observations of participant’s actions, interactions and reactions during the workshop, as well as your observations of your own actions, interactions and content delivery throughout the training session provides much information on what went well and what needs to be refined to make the next workshop experience more effective.

Post-Training Reflection

…a series of questions to ask yourself:

  • In what ways did the training process do what it was designed to do in regard to the Workplace Outcome and Training Outcomes?
  • At what level of success did the content do what it was designed to do in regard to the Workplace Outcome and Training Outcomes?
  • In what ways should the process be revised?
  • In what ways should the content be revised?
  • In what ways (if any) does the training content need to be revised due to:
    • a need to align with revised Training Outcomes developed to meet federal, state, local regulations?
    • a need to meet changes in recommended practices?
  • If the training needs to be expanded, what are the reasons;
    • need for additional content, time issues, etc.?
  • If the training needs to be eliminated, what are the reasons;
    • lack of need, cost effectiveness, duplication of content, etc.?

‘Series of Questions’ Tool

Using the ‘Series of Questions’ tool, you will

  • Gain useful information
  • Better analyze and determine future steps
  • Better prepare for subsequent training
  • Better meet your own goals as a trainer

You can customize this tool by adding questions you deem useful!

You have completed Levels of Evaluation and the Training Improvement Process!

Next up is the Transfer of Learning.