Activity #2: Support Family Social Connections

Now that you have feedback it is time to implement an activity to support families in growing their social connections, which can result in being resilient.

Based on feedback from the Family Survey, choose one of the ideas below to implement in your program. The idea you choose to implement should help support what your families identified as a need.

  • Learn family member names and greet them by name, every time you see them.
  • Connect families who are interested in sharing resources, such as help with transportation.  
  • Plan a social event, such as a Parent café, for families that reflect their interests.  Use name tags when bringing family members together and find ways to help families interact.
  • Help families create a personal Eco-Map or create a group Eco-Map on a bulletin board where families can share formal and informal supports.
  • Help families connect virtually through a private Facebook Group, shared documents (Google Drive) or another method that would work for your families.
  • Have an alternate idea for getting caregivers involved in sharing ideas about Social Connections? Email the course facilitator for approval before implementing the activity to complete this assignment.